We understand that at 45+ many individuals still have so much to offer prospective employers, unfortunately whilst in the main society is becoming more tolerant (still some way to go), ageism is an issue today. We are passionate about helping over 45's find fulfilling careers, whether it's a continuation of a lifelong career, or perhaps re-skilling and changing career to follow a lifelong dream. By overlooking those in this age bracket, employers are losing out on vast experience and often (as backed by statistics) better work ethic and commitment from employees.
This level of membership has a small cost attached according to the duration your details are live on the site. It also requires an investment in time and focus as that is what is needed to complete the UU form. This is the form that companies use to really assess your suitability for their business. It is the form that presents you the person, the life of experiences to enable companies to get immediate insight into the Unique U.